Our 'Inclusion Statement'

Scouting for All

Scouting provides young people with a superb start in life; offering the opportunity to develop skills, confidence, and teamwork that they may well miss out on otherwise. At Grayshott, we believe it is important that we offer these opportunities to all, regardless of gender, race, ability, religion, and family circumstances. We especially want to encourage those parents who consider that Scouting might not ‘be for them’ to talk to us about what we offer and the measures we take to ensure you feel able to join in and benefit from the opportunities we provide. We are a friendly, family-oriented group, and you will be met with a warm welcome.

Assistance with Fees
We strive to keep our membership fees as low as possible – currently £40 per child per term, with a one-off joining fee of £10. But, for any families that feel they would struggle with costs, we assure you that we do not want affordability to be a barrier to joining the group. Indeed, Scouting can be of particular benefit to those children that would likely miss out on other opportunities. Grants are available to cover part of or the whole cost of membership and events such a camps, and are aimed at families experiencing financial hardship, for example:

  • Those with a total household income level below £20,000
  • Young carers (recognised by relevant authorities)
  • Looked after (in care) child

Or in receipt of:

  • Free school meals or pupil premium funding
  • Income Support
  • Income-based allowances
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Disability Living Allowance (related to the young person, parent or adult volunteer)
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

In the first instance, we would encourage you to contact our group secretary at GrayshottGroupSecretary@gmail.com. We may require some evidence to support your claim, but will treat every application in the strictest confidence.

Additional Needs
If you feel that your child requires additional help with particular learning, behavioural, or physical needs, then we would ask you to guide us in how best to support them, and probably join in with each session to help ensure that they take part in as much as they are able to.

Ethnicity & Beliefs, Gender & Orientation
It goes without saying that our Group, and Scouting as a movement, welcomes members from any background, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. This applies to leaders and adult helpers as well as children, and the team is well trained to support individual circumstances such as dietary requirements and observance of religious occasions.

This summary is just part of a comprehensive national inclusion and diversity framework that the Scout Association provides a for us to follow. You can read these policies in full here https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/inclusion-and-diversity/.

You will find that the Group is supported by an involved and approachable Executive committee, a District leadership team, and National organisation that will be pleased to discuss any concerns you have even if you feel uncomfortable raising them with your child’s section leaders. If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, we recommend that you contact our Group Secretary at GrayshottGroupSecretary@gmail.com.

Waiting List Policy

Sometimes we have more children wanting to join our group than our space and ratio of leaders/adult helpers allows, and so we operate a waiting list. We currently have capacity in Cubs and Scouts, but operate a waiting list for Beavers. Generally, when a vacancy arises, priority is given to those children who have been waiting the longest. However, we also take into account:

  • Those moving up (for example existing Grayshott Beavers would have priority in joining Cubs), and we may reserve a place in advance for a child we know is due to move up soon.
  • Existing Beavers/Cubs/Scouts transferring into the area from other Groups.
  • Those with siblings in the Group.
  • Those with parents who are (or are willing to become) leaders/assistants.