Looking after you and your family

CoronaVirus Safety

The CoronaVirus situation is particularly challenging for Scouts as many of our activities are physical and require teamwork and sharing equipment. Our Headquarters provide guidance as to suitable activities, group size, and whether we need to be outdoors or can use the Scout hut. This advice changes as the situation develops, and we will adapt our programme and communicate with you. You can read more at www.scouts.org.uk/coronavirus.

We have taken extra steps, such as adapting our programme and enhanced cleaning routines, to minimise the risk of transmission and keep you and your family safe. To help with this, there are some things we need you to do outlined below.
– Ensure we have your correct contact details, which can be used for Test & Trace
– Complete your own Self Screening, and do not attend meetings if your child or another family member has experienced CoronaVirus symptoms in the last 14 days – a high temperature (above 37.8°C), a new, continuous cough, or a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste.
– Ensure your child brings their own, named, water bottle and hand sanitiser.
– Ensure your child is aware of good hygiene practices, especially hand washing.

Drop Off
We share the premises with PK Pre-School, so have formulated plans to keep our groups separate from equipment they will use, and will follow the one-way entry/exit system they have established. Please enter using the driveway on Whitmore Vale Road, then drop your child off at the gate on the left to access the outdoor space to the rear of the Scout hut. Do not use the main entrance or PK Pre-School gates.
Please pay attention to any additional signage. We will ask you to sign in, confirming that you have self-screened at home and give permission for your child to participate.

Collecting Your Child
Please enter using the driveway on Whitmore Vale Road and wait in the car park, at a safe distance from other parents. Children will leave via the side gate.

If You Have a Confirmed Case in Your Family
Please let us know immediately if your child or another family member reports symptoms within 2 weeks of attending a meeting so that we can take action and advise other members.

This is a situation that is constantly changing. We will be taking advice from Government and our Headquarters, and will change our precautions, risk assessments, and programme accordingly, and will keep you informed.